Thomas Nowotny presented at the HFSP Awardees Meeting in Singapore

Thomas Nowotny presented a poster and a spotlight on “Odor-background segregation and source localization using fast olfactory processing” at the 16th HFSP Awardees Meeting at the Biopolis Singapore. In an intense 3 day programme, presentations ranging from texture detection in Drosophila to genomics of sacred ibis mummies were covered. The Odor Objects presentation was well-received.
Poster presented at HFSP.

The abstract is available here.


Bio: Prof. Thomas Nowotny

Prof Thomas Nowotny is leading the team at the University of Sussex focusing on the computational modelling aspects of the project.

Thomas obtained his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Leipzig in 2001 and after working at UCSD for 5 years moved to the University of Sussex in 2007 where he is now a Professor of Informatics.

His interest include Chemical Sensing, Computational Neuroscience, Dynamic Clamp, Electronic Nose, GPU Computing, High Performance Computing, Insects, Ion channels, Machine Learning (AI), Neural networks, Novel Computing Paradigms, Olfaction, Robotics, and Systems Neuroscience.